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School Performance

School Letter

School Performance Grade


What makes Emereau different?


While the Mission and Formula for Greatness are unique to Emereau, the school shares many commonalities with other North Carolina public schools including the utilization of North Carolina Core Standards and State Essential Standards; curriculum to increase the number of students reading on grade level as determined by North Carolina End of Grade/Course Tests; and the implementation of intervention strategies to meet the needs of all students.


Additionally, Emereau’s educational program includes:

  1. A required K-12 Spanish program including four years of Spanish in Grades 9-12

  2. A comprehensive K-12 Healthy Living Program,  including four years in Grades 9-12, required for graduation

  3. A comprehensive K-12 Fine Arts program, including four years of Fine Arts in Grades 9-12,  required for graduation

  4. A daily “Illuminator” Journal utilized by all students K-8. This journal will include a daily agenda, individual and collective questions, long and short-term personal goals, approved book choice of the week, and a personal data chart

  5. A college preparatory focus with Honors and Advanced Placement Courses beginning in Grade Nine.

  6. Service Learning Hours (25 per year) and Graduation Project (Grades 11-12), required for Graduation.

  7. A Mission driven organization where the entire learning community knows, understands, and works to reach the goal which is clearly articulated – the student’s Graduation

  8. The implementation of the Core Knowledge Curriculum (Hirsch, E.D.) which is exceeds the North Carolina Core Standards and the NC Essential State Standards to extend and deepen student learning

  9. A dynamic learning environment where the Formula for Greatness is evident every day, in every class setting, in every learning community, and throughout the greater school community

  10. The implementation of Dr. Dianne McCune’s Inquiry Process (K-12) which serves as a catalyst for investigation, discovery, innovation, and transformation.

  11. The implementation of the Project Learning Tree curriculum, (K-8) which serves as a springboard for Grades 9-12 with courses in Earth Science, Biology, and Environmental Science

  12. Development of an Innovation Lab/MakerSpace available to all students, which provides opportunities for creative innovation


Emereau: Bladen understands and accepts that the path to “Educational Greatness” for our students will require dedication, determination, consistency, and perseverance grounded in a belief that all students possess capacity, natural curiosity, and a desire for personal fulfillment. Emereau: Bladen’s role and obligation will be to create an educational environment where students, educators, and the greater learning community thrive.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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